Success stories

How TodoAI Helps to Take Care for One’s Health

Health is more important than money. Some health problems may overtake us unexpectedly in everyday life and the work environment. A bad posture is one of them. StayActive designs a powerful device that corrects bad posture, warning people with a slight vibration.

Here’s a short case about how StayActive team uses for their needs. We have talked to Francesco Dulio, Chief Executive Officer.


What is your business about?

We are creators of StayActive. It is a wearable device that improves the user’s life, starting from the posture, helping to correct both hyperkyphosis ridge and lumbar hyperlordosis. The device StayActive was developed in collaboration with ISICO. Once worn under the shirt and calibrated in 30 seconds, through the app StayUp on smartphone or tablet, the small device warns you if you have a bad posture with a slight vibration, helping you keep your back straight.


How do you organize your work with TodoAI? How does TodoAI help you to reach your goals?

By using TodoAI, we improved our work as a team because it became more efficient and accurate. Every week we set our goals in all of the scopes of interest, as management, communication, software, and product development. We collect and review ideas and work to accomplish them.

Then, by using Value and Effort parameters, we decide what tasks are the most important, so all the team could understand their priority.


You have decided what tasks bring you a lot of value. What do you do next? What are your next steps in TodoAI?

We review and estimate the crucial tasks from the board Ideas, then push them into the Sprint.

With the help of TodoAI platform, every team member can mark the progress of his work. And, by the end of the week, we can review and find ways how we can improve our work in the future.


Any other PM tools used? Why did TodoAI become a choice?

Our team used various PM tools previously, such as Asana and Trello. We come upon TodoAI and found it a clear and practical solution for our needs. The division of the project on different boards helps us to organize the work better.
We choose TodoAI for its better structure and division. And it’s a pretty simple tool.


What three main features are crucial for you and how do they help your business?

Our team benefits from the clear division in backlog, sprint, communication, and how the details of every task are structured.

We want to keep on using TodoAI. It’s very helpful.

Thank you and good luck!

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